Will Tustin
Licensing Clerk
(609) 967-5918
Planning to rent your property? Every property containing rental units within the Borough shall be required to register, submit to inspection and be licensed in order to rent or lease the same. This is an annual fee and a fire inspection will be conducted. When your inspection passes, your rental license will be mailed to your permanent mailing address. If you have rented in the previous year, you will receive an invoice in the mail during November. This invoice will have the date of your upcoming rental inspection stamped on it. The inspection dates are based on your property location and help our office operate more efficiently.
If this is your first time renting, you will need to complete the rental application. Please call 609-967-5918 prior to mailing your application for the fee due. Here is the Avalon Rental License application: 2024 Avalon Rental License Application
Do you wish to know if there is a current rental license on a property? This rental list will be updated continually. https://webgeo.co/prod1/portal/portal.jsp?c=551281249&p=551957802&g=551957812&d=551957812
Notification of Responsibilities Form
2014 Avalon Ordinance Rental and Housing
Avalon Hotel Motel Ordinance 2012