Avalon Rescue Squad


Kevin Scarpa, MICP
Rescue Squad Coordinator

The Avalon Res­cue Squad is an Emer­gency Med­ical Ser­vice provider licensed by the NJ Dept. of Health. Our goal is to pro­vide the high­est qual­ity pre-hospital emer­gency care to the cit­i­zens and guests of Avalon in time of ill­ness, injury, cri­sis, or dis­as­ter. This pro­fes­sional ser­vice is ren­dered 24-hour-a-day uti­liz­ing the high­est stan­dards of train­ing and state-of-the-art equipment.

The Bor­ough of Avalon staffs the Avalon Res­cue Squad with two (2) cer­ti­fied Emer­gency Med­ical Tech­ni­cians (EMT) at all times. The pri­mary respon­si­bil­ity of this “duty-crew” is to respond to life-threatening emer­gen­cies within the juris­dic­tion of Avalon and, if requested, its neigh­bor­ing munic­i­pal­i­ties. All Avalon ambu­lances and police cars are equipped with Auto­matic Exter­nal Defib­ril­la­tors (AED). Addi­tion­ally, the Avalon Res­cue Squad has spear­headed an effort to place these AEDs in places of pub­lic assem­bly where they may be used by trained per­sons prior to the arrival of first respon­ders. Over twenty AEDs have been placed so far, and all of them purchased exclusively with donations.

All of the ambu­lances and AEDs pur­chased by the Avalon Res­cue Squad were funded solely by pri­vate dona­tions from our home own­ers and res­i­dents. With your con­tin­ued sup­port, we are able to pro­vide the best equip­ment to ren­der the high­est stan­dard of care to our patients. We thank all of our bene­fac­tors for their incred­i­ble gen­eros­ity and we will strive to con­tinue to improve the ser­vices we pro­vide to the community.

If you should have any additional questions about the Avalon Rescue Squad, contact Coordinator Kevin Scarpa at the number above.

RS 11-92
2009 Horton
Purchased exclusively with donations.

RS 11–91
Purchased exclusively with donations. Same as above.

RS 11-76
1995 HUMMER/Refurb
Beach Rescue and Flood Response

This 1995 unit was previously used by a medial transport agency in the Appalachian Mountains. It was purchased by the Avalon Rescue Squad, Inc. and refurbished by the dedicated staff of Avalon Public Works. It is an exceptional tool which enhances our capability to respond during hurricanes, northeasters and blizzards, in addition to on the soft sand of our beaches, which are times and places that would challenge our standard fleet. This vehicle and all of its appurtenances were purchased exclusively with private donations to the Avalon Rescue Squad, Inc.


 In the summer of 2006, Avalon EMS responded to a Sudden Cardiac Arrest on the 40th street beach path. The patient was found with no pulse and not breathing. Initial CPR and Defibrillation restored pulses, and follow-up care proved successful. One year later, Peter Weber had made a full recovery. He is pictured here with the EMTs from his call, Robin Camp (L), Victoria Mossbrook and Hugh McElroy. Both Mr. Weber and his daughter made very generous donations to the Avalon Rescue Squad, but for our EMTs, his presence is reward enough.


The Avalon Rescue Squad received a gracious donation of $3,500 from Mrs. Ann Grillo. The funds were raised at the annual Joseph N. Grillo Memorial Golf Tournament. The Avalon Rescue Squad relies heavily on donations for the purchase of vehicles and medical equipment. Pictured are members of the Avalon Rescue Squad accepting a check from Mrs. Grillo (l-r) Walt Mikota, Annemarie McCormick, Ed Dean, Rick Dean, Ed Taylor, Hugh McElroy, Chief Kevin Scarpa, William Martin, Robin Camp, Mrs. Ann Grillo, Jonathan Schwartz, Mayor Martin Pagliughi and Nicholas DiFulgo.

 The Avalon Rescue Squad is a 501c3 exempt organization.
Avalon Rescue Squad, PO Box 233, Avalon, NJ 08202