William McCormick
Public Works Director
Telephone: (609) 967-7697
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM

The Avalon Department of Public Works
…Works For You!

Avalon is a clean and green community for many reasons, most notably due to our residents and visitors who take pride in their community.  The Avalon Department of Public Works assists with the public’s effort by not only making sure Avalon is clean…but also by rebuilding our community and assisting with every infrastructure effort in the Borough.

The Avalon Department of Public Works is here to serve you.  Please contact us anytime with your questions, concerns, or ideas.  Together, we continue to make Avalon the best place to live and vacation in the State of New Jersey.

Borough of Avalon Tier_A_SPPP:  Tier_A_SPPP_Full_Fill_In

Borough of Avalon Outfall Map:  Storm Sewer Maps

Complaints regarding missed collections should be directed to the Borough’s contractor, Pinelands Recycling, at (609) 263-1997, thank you!

Avalon’s Water System Is Managed by Our Partners at Middlesex Water Company

The Borough of Avalon’s water system is managed by our partners at the Middlesex Water Company.  Utility Service Affliates-Avalon is in our community seven days a week managing Avalon’s water system.  Stop by the Avalon Department of Public Works building anytime to speak with a representative about any water issue you may have.  Click on Middlesex Water Company website to learn important tips on how to protect your home and conserve water.  And, click on Avalon section of Middlesex Water Company website for Avalon-specific contact information.  The Avalon Department of Public Works and Middlesex Water Company are both here to serve you!  Avalon_CCR_2021_E-copy

Avalon 2022 Stormwater Protection Plan:  Tier_A_SPPP_Full_Fill_In

Trash and Recycling Depot

The Avalon Department of Public Works reminds the public that the Borough offers a free courtesy trash and recycling depot at the Public Works Yard’s 15th Street entrance, off Dune Drive.  The facility is open every day throughout the year except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day between the hours of 7:00am and 3:00pm.  The Borough currently has a five-year contract for solid waste, recycling, and brush collection with EarthTech; that contract has been assumed by Gold Medal which is re-branded with new management and staff and will begin operations in Avalon in the coming weeks.

Avalon Single-stream Recycling Information/Why Not to Use Plastic Bags to Contain Recyclables

The Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority has alerted all 16 communities in the County regarding an issue involving recyclables being placed in plastic bags for disposal and collection.  The Authority reminds the public that this practice is not acceptable and recyclables need to be placed only in a single-stream recycling container.

The correct process is for the public to place recyclables in a single stream container for collection.  It is not acceptable for the public to place the recyclables into a plastic bag, then place the bag in a container or set the bag out by the curb for collection.  The MUA is receiving so many plastic bags that it is causing severe operational and equipment problems.  The processing within the MUA plant is slowed by each bag has to be ripped open and dumped onto the processing belt.  This creates a safety hazard.  Additionally, whatever bags get through the sorter stations end up wrapped around rotating equipment which forces a complete shutdown of the system to enable employees to take time to cut away these bags that have become wrapped or jammed.

Please visit our Public Works page of this website to learn more information about the trash and recycling collection schedules, including our convenient recycling drop off center located just off Dune Drive at 15th Street.

The county of Cape May implemented a new single-stream recycling program as of April 1, 2013.  All recyclables may be placed in one single container curbside on your collection day.

Items that may be placed in one sin­gle con­tainer for recy­cling include, but are not lim­ited to: News­pa­pers, junk mail, mag­a­zines, tele­phone and paper­back books, dry food boxes, wrap­ping paper, card­board, clean pizza boxes that con­tain no food prod­ucts, plas­tic food and bev­er­age con­tain­ers, plas­tic buck­ets and land­scape pots, clear and green glass bot­tles and con­tain­ers, brown bot­tles and jugs, food/beverage cans made of tin, steel, or alu­minum.  You are asked to empty and rinse out any food con­tain­ers that will be recycled.

Prod­ucts that are not recy­clable and should be placed in the reg­u­lar trash can include, but are not lim­ited to:  Food con­t­a­m­i­nated boxes, Sty­ro­foam pack­ag­ing, poly­styrene egg car­tons, wax-coated card­board boxes, win­dow glass, bev­er­age cups, paint cans, PVC pipes, light bulbs, plas­tic bags and any items that con­tain chem­i­cal or haz­ardous products.

Did you know that the Borough of Avalon will gladly pick up and recycle your shrink wrap for your boat? Give us a call and let us tell you more about how recycling shrink wrap is good for the environment!

The Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority offers all of the information you know about how to properly recycle! Click on the link for useful information on how to best handle your household recycling needs.