Will Tustin
Licensing Clerk
(609) 967-5918


Plan­ning to rent your prop­erty?  Every prop­erty con­tain­ing rental units within the Bor­ough shall be required to reg­is­ter, sub­mit to inspec­tion and be licensed in order to rent or lease the same.  This is an annual fee and a fire inspec­tion will be con­ducted.  When your inspec­tion passes, your rental license will be mailed to your per­ma­nent mail­ing address.  If you have rented in the pre­vi­ous year, you will receive an invoice in the mail dur­ing Novem­ber.  This invoice will have the date of your upcom­ing rental inspec­tion stamped on it.  The inspec­tion dates are based on your prop­erty loca­tion and help our office oper­ate more efficiently.

If this is your first time rent­ing, you will need to complete the rental appli­ca­tion.   Please call 609-967-5918 prior to mail­ing your appli­ca­tion for the fee due.  Here is the Avalon Rental License application:  2024 Avalon Rental License Application

Do you wish to know if there is a current rental license on a property?  This rental list will be updated continually.  https://webgeo.co/prod1/portal/portal.jsp?c=551281249&p=551957802&g=551957812&d=551957812
