We have some data from the Borough’s new irrigation program.  The goal was to slow down the increase in water use to preserve Avalon’s water allocation permit and avoid the installation of another well with each costing taxpayers’ seven figures.  We are pleased to report that for the four-month period between May and August, the Borough not only flattened the curve, but reduced water use by 9.5 million gallons, clearly demonstrating that irrigation is the number one consumption of water.  Through this process, the Department of Public Works identified issues with the Borough’s own irrigation system including leaks and broken irrigation heads.  Even though we had near-drought conditions and had to water some public play fields daily per requirements of our insurance carrier, we still were able to save 9.5 million gallons of water.  This is a credit to the property owners who listened to the message and responded, and we are grateful for the participation in this conservation program.