According to FEMA’s Protecting Floodplain Resources: A Guidebook for Communities, “the recognized benefits of a naturally functioning floodplain include the storage and conveyance of flood waters, the recharging of groundwater; the maintenance of surface water quality, and the provision of habitats for fish and wildlife. These areas also provide diverse recreational opportunities. scenic value, and a source of community identity and pride” (1996, p. 1).

In addition, FEMA points out that “the natural values of floodplains…lies not in their removal and sale, but in the functions that they perform within the floodplain environment” (1996, p. 5).

There are many ways to protect natural floodplain functions, including:

  • Keeping areas of the floodplain in their natural state
  • Preventing dumping in the floodplain
  • Preserving natural drainage
  • Controlling runoff
  • Protecting wildlife habitats
  • Requiring erosion control in new development
  • Stay off the dunes!

Many more ways to protect natural floodplain functions can be found in FEMA’s Protecting Floodplain Resources: A Guidebook for Communities.